Monday, December 29, 2008

Snow in Southern California

Snow came to Southern California this month, and we were lucky enough to live about 5 miles away from it. Dave decided to go ride his bike up the mountain behind our house and got some great pictures of the snow. It was down to about 2500ft and about 2-3ft deep. So it was sort of a white Christmas.

Wyatt's First Fishing Trip

Dave took Wyatt fishing for the first time at Irvine Lake. Dave said he was the perfect little fisherman and he just wanted to hold the rod so bad.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Wyatt Playing Around

Here are just a few pics over the last couple weeks. Since its been a while since I posted last I thought I would catch everyone up.
Playing in the jumper.

Bath time is still so much fun.

Such a goof.

Messing around with Daddy.

Wow my hand is cool!

Wyatt loves this turtle because it vibrates.

Thanksgiving Week 2008

Wyatt got to meet his cousins for the first time. They all got along great.
Wyatt and Owen
Wyatt and Ben

My parents got some professional pics done. They turned out great, even though Wyatt didn't want to cooperate and smile.

4 Months Old

November 25, 2008.
Wyatt is 4 months old. It all went by so fast.


Here's some pics from Wyatt's first Halloween.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Wyatt's First Swim

Wyatt went for his first swim in the spa. He loved the bubbles which is why he is always looking down. I think we are going to have a water baby. He loved it.

3 Months Old

October 25, 2008.
Wyatt is 3 Months old. I can't believe how different he is now.

Just look what he can do now... turning over.

Wisconsin Visit

Well here we are on our first family vacation. Wyatt's first flight was not so bad. Don't let the face fool you he was actually very good. Visiting with Dave's family. It was nice that we could all be together at the same time. That doesn't happen very often.

Dave, Wyatt and Great Grandma Nettie.

Steph put on a shower for Wyatt and the theme was turtles. This is the cake Aunt Linda made for us. I think it is the coolest cake I have ever seen.

We spent an afternoon in downtown St. Paul. Wyatt looks pretty comfy with Daddy.

All bundled up and ready for the 50 degree weather.

We went to an Apple Orchard/Cidery/Winery. I believe Wyatt is going to be very used to going to bars after this visit.

It was a fun trip and we loved seeing everyone, but wow is it different traveling with a baby.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bath Time at Grammy and Papa's

Wyatt had so much fun getting in the bath. There were too many cute pictures to pick from.

First Time on the Boat

We got him in his cute sailboat outfit and took him out on his first boating trip. It may have been a little windy for his liking this time, but I am sure he's going to love going out on the boat when he gets a little older.

2 Months Old

September 25, 2008. Wyatt is 2 months old and he can do so much now. Plus he's got the cutest smile.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Go Badgers!

Aunt Angie got Wyatt this outfit and we think it is the cutest thing ever. Dave can't wait to watch the Wisconsin games with Wyatt.

My new fav pic of Wyatt. Just look at those cheeks.