So here are few pics from Wyatt's first 2 weeks of life. We have about a million pics, so it was hard to narrow it down.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Yay we get to go home. Dave was getting a little antsy. He was actually cleaning the hospital room. Dressed and ready to go (in Turtle outfit of course) He was such a good boy. Didn't care one bit to be in his carseat.
We're home.
Mom is in love. Although she is also very tired. It's a good thing Wyatt is pretty mellow.
Wyatt Everett Kerr is here! Arrived July 25, 2008 at 2:35am. 10lbs 2oz and 22in long. Well Dave thinks he was 23in because they took the measurement before he was fully stretched out. The labor was long and pretty crazy there at the end, but we ended up with a perfect baby boy.
Our cone head.Daddy is in love.
Mommy is tired and hurting but of course in love too.