Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bath Time at Grammy and Papa's

Wyatt had so much fun getting in the bath. There were too many cute pictures to pick from.

First Time on the Boat

We got him in his cute sailboat outfit and took him out on his first boating trip. It may have been a little windy for his liking this time, but I am sure he's going to love going out on the boat when he gets a little older.

2 Months Old

September 25, 2008. Wyatt is 2 months old and he can do so much now. Plus he's got the cutest smile.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Go Badgers!

Aunt Angie got Wyatt this outfit and we think it is the cutest thing ever. Dave can't wait to watch the Wisconsin games with Wyatt.

My new fav pic of Wyatt. Just look at those cheeks.

Wyatt and Mommy

I love that Wyatt is getting so awake and alert now.

Hanging With Daddy

Wyatt and Dave just love playing together. He's getting so big and strong, just like his Daddy.