Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas 2009

Here's some of the Christmas pictures from this year. I think Wyatt really had a good time. He loved opening presents and once they were opened he tried to wrap them up again.

Of course not everyone woke up in a good mood in the morning...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Finally! Some Halloween Pics

So we got Wyatt dressed up in his skunk costume even though it was like 90 degrees outside (I know I am such a nice mom). We took some pics and then I got him changed back into California appropriate clothing. Later that night we went trick or treating and he wore his costume since it was cooler. I think he had a good time and I got in a good workout chasing after him all night. Man he's quick!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Stone Brewery

Dave and Josh went with friends to the Stone Brewery and brought Wyatt with them. Looks like they all had fun. Wyatt loved the Koi pond.

Hello ER

Well about a month ago Wyatt had an accident so we got to visit the ER. He cut his hand on some glass so he needed stitches. All in all I am pretty proud of my little guy. 6 stitches in total. Here is the end product:

Monday, June 29, 2009

Messing Around

So Wyatt started walking at 10 Months and it has been a crazy adventure ever since. He loves to get into all kinds of new places and climb on everything. But we can't complain, he is such a happy little guy.

Just thought this was the funniest picture.

Misc Pics

Here's a few pics of Wyatt from 8-9 Months.

May 2009 Trip to Wisconsin

We all went back to Wisconsin in May to visit Dave's Family.

Here we are at the Twins game. I was totally impressed with Wyatt. He sat through the whole game. Such a good boy.

Crazy little guy. He had such a good time with his cousin Micah.

Hello Again

Wyatt was so tired he fell asleep...and he didn't have to even do any of the hiking.
Somebody loved the tent. He loved it so much he took up practically the whole thing when he slept.

Here's the view from our campsite.
The Fam.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Fun at Grammy and Papa's House

Looks like Spring

Here's some pictures of Wyatt playing in the front yard.

7 Months Old and Denver Trip

We all got to go to Denver in February. I had to work, but Dave and Wyatt went around to the parks during the day. There was a little snow, so Wyatt got to wear his snow suit and play outside. We also got to go to the Coors Brewery.