Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Photo Dump for Summer 2012

Okay when did we get to September? I can't believe the summer is gone! So I guess I should just show everyone what we have been up to this summer. Get ready for a lot of random pics.

I will start where I left off...more pictures from our road trip to WI.

Some other things we did this summer:

Got a haircut (and color for me)

Went sailing and to the beach.

 Someone turned 4! So we had a little lego party an went to the fair. Wyatt got a new swing to hang on the tree next to our house. It has been loads of fun.

Made goofy faces! They are like twins :).

Went to the aquarium. Yes I only got pictures of the back of his head, because he would not turn away from the dazzling tanks full of awesome fish. He especially loved watch the divers go down in the tank wit the fish. He couldn't stop smiling.

So that's been our summer. Now onto Wyatt's second year in preschool and Dave's new job at Wholefoods.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Road Trip Part 1

We took a road trip back to Wisconsin in May to visit Dave's family. It was super nice to see everyone and to finally go on vacation. I needed that.

So we packed up the truck and drove the nearly 2,000 miles to Iowa to see Dave's sister and family. Wyatt did so well in the car. He slept pretty much all night in the car and we made a few stops to play and stretch. Dave was the driver most of the time (I did some driving though). We left Fri night and got to Iowa Sun morning. I think we made great time.

We had lots of fun with Angie, Luke, Micah and Uriah. Grandma Jennie, Great Grandma Nettie, Aunt Steph and Uncle Joey also came down.

Here are some of the pics:

Thursday, May 10, 2012

What we've been up to (in pics)

Here are just a few of the things we have been up to over the last couple of months.

Going to Disneyland!

 Playing in the parking lot.
 Going to the beach.

 Being goofy!

 Angels-Twins Game.

 Wyatt was happy we came home!