Saturday, June 23, 2012

Road Trip Part 1

We took a road trip back to Wisconsin in May to visit Dave's family. It was super nice to see everyone and to finally go on vacation. I needed that.

So we packed up the truck and drove the nearly 2,000 miles to Iowa to see Dave's sister and family. Wyatt did so well in the car. He slept pretty much all night in the car and we made a few stops to play and stretch. Dave was the driver most of the time (I did some driving though). We left Fri night and got to Iowa Sun morning. I think we made great time.

We had lots of fun with Angie, Luke, Micah and Uriah. Grandma Jennie, Great Grandma Nettie, Aunt Steph and Uncle Joey also came down.

Here are some of the pics:

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